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(Campo obbligatorio)
Ho letto l'informativa sulla privacy e acconsento al trattamento dei dati personali ai sensi degli art. 13-14 del Reg. (UE) 2016/679 GDPR (General DataProtection Regulation) e successive modifiche...
will be processed and stored exclusively for the purposes of this or future selections' in compliance with the Federal DataProtection Law (LPD) and guaranteeing the rights referred to in art. 13 Legislative Decree 196/03 and EU regulation 679/2016...
indeterminato, piano di incentivazione, auto aziendale, PC e cellulare.
Sede di lavoro: Piemonte
Inviando il proprio Curriculum Vitae il candidato dichiara di aver preso visione dell’informativa Privacy resa ai sensi degli artt. 13-14 del GDPR (General Data...
other KPI's)
• Translate promotional texts and/or customer surveys in your local language
• Manage customer accounts
• Follow company policies and practices regarding player safety' protection' and responsible gaming What's in it for me?
Here at Betsson...